Caught Between Death and Empathy



This is actually a journal entry, the beginning is an echo of my fear of the medical complications of type one diabetes, (For more information on the disease: at a cross section between my anxiety over being kept in the dorm room with some falling friends during 2014.

There’s too much of it. I want to live dammit, let me live. Don’t keep me locked in your grasp. More cage than arms, more entrapping than adoring, let me free. The sun shines, raise the blinds and see it. The world is full of many multitudes of beauty. Just get outside and see it. Take a step outside of paradigm and experience all that makes you Human.


If writing  from a first hand experience about diabetes is something that interests you, please comment below, and I’ll look in my goody bag and in the following days I will publish several posts on the subject.


Faristha Kanakkapillai

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Give me a sentence. I'll write you a story.

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